Sedation dentistry improves our guests’ physical and emotional comfort during treatment. Fairlawn Periodontics offers procedures and services designed to improve one’s oral function and quality of life. We offer different types of sedation dentistry as part of our mission to deliver effective and comfortable treatment to our patients.
Dental Anxiety and Phobia
If you suffer from intense fear when it comes to dental settings, Fairlawn Periodontics can help. Dental anxiety and phobia are quite common; and unfortunately, people who suffer from dental anxiety can have such debilitating symptoms that they forego necessary care altogether.
Sedation dentistry improves the comfort of those suffering from dental fears and phobias by relaxing the mind and body. Receiving sedation dentistry means that a patient struggling with dental anxiety can rest peacefully during treatment.
Relax Comfortably During Treatment
Beyond calming the mind, sedation dentistry can improve the overall experience of our patients – especially those undergoing more invasive or complex treatments. Medications or nitrous oxide used for sedation improve physical comfort when used in conjunction with anesthetics.
Those who receive sedation dentistry enjoy such a relaxed state that most people nap peacefully through treatment. Even though some medications can make a person feel groggy, he or she is still able to respond to questions and instructions during procedures.
Types of Sedation Dentistry
The mildest form of sedation is nitrous oxide. This gas is administered through a cushioned nasal mask. As the gas is inhaled, it will produce warm feelings of slight euphoria. Nitrous oxide, also called “laughing gas”, has been used in dental procedures since the mid-1800s. Receiving nitrous oxide is a drug-free form of sedation dentistry and this type of sedation is ideal for those receiving minimally invasive care.
Oral sedation is stronger than nitrous oxide because prescription medications are utilized. Those receiving oral sedation will have a prescription written for a mild sedative. This medication will be taken exactly as directed – normally about an hour before one’s procedure. Oral sedation will relax the body and mind but patients are still conscious for treatment.
Conscious sedation involves administering medication to patients intravenously, and is typically reserved for more complex procedures and patients with severe dental anxiety. Even though medication is delivered through an IV, patients are not induced into an unconscious state during treatment. Conscious sedation is powerful enough to produce total relaxation and comfort during many kinds of oral health procedures. This form of sedation is beneficial to our team as well since conscious sedation allows our staff to work without obstruction.
If you suffer with dental anxiety and phobia, we recommend discussing sedation dentistry with our caring team. Call Fairlawn Periodontics if you have questions about comfort during oral health procedures.